About Us
Flintbeck- Our African dream:
Living the African dream is not always easy. To manage and run a farm in South Africa creates various challenges. With the cost of land and overheads escalating, farmers are forced to expand their horizon and take on new projects that will enable them to use the existing land more productively.
Flintbeck is a family owned farm that has been operating since 1952. During this time the farm and the country has gone through various changes. After a meeting on a Sunday afternoon in 2013 the Schlotfeldt family came to the conclusion that the farm had become a very expensive asset that was not being productive enough. The farm had reached its maximum cattle carrying capacity, and since our area is sour veldt and has a fairly low carrying capacity for cattle, it was clear that alternatives had to be found.
Looking at the current situation of the family and the farm, it was clear that the family did not only want the farm to survive, but to strive. The family consists of Callie and Heide (father and mother), Thomas and Heidi (Son and wife), Martin and Christian the two younger brothers. The farm that has been home of the Schlotfeldt’s for three generations needs to be opened and shared with the world. Although the farm is not prime agricultural area, it is an excellent game farming area. Prior to the interference of man this area nestled in the valley of the Magalies Mountains used to be filled with an abundance of wildlife roaming the plains.
It was decided that without sacrificing the cattle farming, new ventures would be implemented to ensure the future of the farm in an uncertain country. In the past years Flintbeck has gone from cattle farm to game farm, lodge, tourist destination, hunting and game breeding farm. We, together with our staff: Petrus, Isaac, Shadrack, Artwell, Lillian and Lena are proud of our efforts, and are excited to say that this is just the beginning.
Heide Schlotlfeldt
Callie Schlotfeldt and Artwell in the “Kraal”
Thomas & Heidi
Martin Schlotfeldt
Christian Schlotfeldt